4 May 2019
When Will I Be Myself Again — Rabbi Allen S. Maller

When Will I Be Myself Again — Rabbi Allen S. Maller

“When will I be myself again?”

Some Tuesday, perhaps, In the late afternoon,

Sitting quietly with a cup of tea,

And a cookie;

Or Wednesday, same time or later,

You will stir from a nap and see her;

You will pick up the phone to call her;

You will hear her voice – unexpected advice –

And maybe argue.

And you will not be frightened,

And you will not be sad,

And you will not be alone,

Not alone at all,

And your tears will warm you.

But not today,

And not tomorrow,

And not tomorrow’s tomorrow,

But some day,

Some Tuesday, late in the afternoon,

Sitting quietly with a cup of tea,

And a cookie;

And you will be yourself again.


Image: Oleg Ivanov