30 Jan 2018
South Dakota pet loss therapists, support groups, and grief hotlines

South Dakota pet loss therapists, support groups, and grief hotlines

The loss of a beloved pet can be a major experience in your life and finding the help and guidance you need to process your feelings can help. This is a listing of pet loss support groups in South Dakota and therapists who are able to help.


For phone numbers you can call to speak to someone right away, try one on our toll-free pet grief hotline resources page.


South Dakota Pet Grief Therapist(s) 

Kelly Matthews
3855 S. Highway 79
Rapid City South Dakota 57701 
Phone: 605-716-9855

Know more pet grief therapists in South Dakota we should be listing? Please share the love by letting us know on our Facebook page.


South Dakota Pet Loss Support Group(s) 

Emergency Veterinary Hospital 
Pet Loss Support Group
1655 S Valley Drive
Rapid City South Dakota 57703 
Meeting day(s): first Thursday of every month
Meeting time(s): 6:30-7:30 pm
Contact phone: 605-721-0789 
Website: www.animalclinicrc.com
Notes: Please call to RSVP and for more information.

Are you aware of more pet loss support groups in South Dakota that we should add to our list? Help others find them by sending their info through our Facebook page.


South Dakota Pet Loss Support Hotline(s) 

Our South Dakota-based pet loss support hotline listings is currently empty because we don’t know of any in your area. If have contact information for one that we should add to the list, please share that information through our  Facebook page. Remember, though, that we do have  toll-free pet loss support call center listings here.


Image: Dmitry Sovyak

Disclaimer: Support groups, hotlines, and therapists listed on Tiny Pet Memories are independent and not necessarily endorsed by Tiny Pet Memories. Listings are added and deleted at the discretion of Tiny Pet Memories and while we try to list quality resources, we must disclaim any liability from your use of this information.